Day 3 takeaways: Obama drives parade of all-stars for Clinton

It was A-rundown night at the Democratic National Convention. VP Biden, previous New York City leader Michael Bloomberg (maybe the country's best-known free pol) and bad habit presidential chosen one Tim Kaine every tended to assign.

What's more, they were only the opening demonstrations. Top takeaways from the penultimate night in Philadelphia:

It's difficult to realize what would've appeared to be all the more unrealistic to Barack Obama when he initially tended to the Democratic tradition in 2004: that 12 years after the fact he would address delegates as a two-term president or that he would beg American voters in 2016 not to choose Donald Trump to succeed him.

The president appeared, now and again, verging on perplexed by the 2016 crusade. "Individuals outside of the United States don't comprehend what is happening in this decision," he clarified with something of a wry smile. He requested that voters consider whether they truly believe that the 70-year-old Trump would all of a sudden turn into their "champion" after never in his life having shown a profound sympathy toward the common laborers. He likewise cautioned over and again that the GOP chosen one was basically a rabble rouser hoping to overturn basic fundamentals of American vote based system.

With respect to Hillary Clinton, his one-time essential adversary, Obama clarified he sees her as particularly qualified to be his successor. "There has never been a man or a lady — not me, not Bill, no one — more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America."

What's more, for Democrats and Americans who first got to be charmed with an Illinois state representative in 2004, then twice chose him to the most elevated office in the area, Obama offered a lot of the same grand rhetoric that first made the country see an "a thin child with an interesting name who trusts that America has a spot for him, as well" as he portrayed himself 12 years before.

"Trust even with trouble," the president said. "Trust even with vulnerability. The boldness of trust. America, you've vindicated that trust these previous eight years.

"What's more, now, I'm prepared to pass the twirly doo," he said, instantly before Clinton went along with him in front of an audience.